Indulge yours-elf
‘Tis almost the season.
Whelp, it’s that time of year when the fight for the shelves begins.
There’s definitely a thing or two to write about engagement here. What’s the hook for capturing peoples’ attention using video? Is it singing carrots or rapping dinosaurs? Or is it tapping into the very human emotion of overcoming that inner critic, and the material choices you can make to achieve ‘the wonderful everyday’? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anyway, it’s November, and in this lil stocking filler we invite you to sit back and enjoy this year’s UK Christmas ads.
Let the battle begin!
IKEA — Silence the critics
AMAZON — Everybody needs somebody
ALDI — Kevin the carrot
ARGOS — Book of dreams
SAINSBURY’S — Nicholas the Sweep
That’s ten minutes you’ll never get back.
Worth it.